Why did she leave?


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.

— Steve Jobs

Why did she leave?

When someone leaves you, she leaves with enough reason, logic and relevance to herself. There is nothing deceptive in this matter. Although she is guilty to the whole world, she remains transparent to herself.

I have never made any complaint against those who have left me so far. Because I believe, People can not leave anyone without a valid reason. Maybe, you do not know the reason for her departure, as it is unknown to you so that she left without a reason – this concept is wrong.

You will always notice, you never feel or think of yourself as a cheater even if you leave someone. But why? The biggest reason for this is, you have a relevant strong argument to yourself. And the most significant fact is, you are clear to yourself.

I have observed most of the time, when someone leaves she is called a cheater. But why? Perhaps you do not know why she left, But what if she knows that there is no reason for her to stay anymore?

T. Mahmud Ornab
Student, Department of English
Jahangirnagar University

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