College Education: Yes or No?


তোমারে যে চাহিয়াছে ভুলে একদিন, সে জানে তোমারে ভোলা কি কঠিন

— কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম

College Education: Yes or No?

Tesla founder Elon Musk said that – “You don’t need a college degree to learn stuff because everything is available online. Colleges are for fun and to prove you can do your chores, but they are not for learning”. Do you agree with him or not? And why?

My thought regarding the statement of Mr. Elon Musk is very clear and that is – I agree with him partially about the fact of learning stuffs being available online, but disagree with that – colleges are only for fun and not for learning.

Let’s discuss the first point in which I agree with Mr. Elon Musk. Yes, in this modern age of information and technology, all the learning stuffs are available online and any learner can get access to those very easily. Without going to a college, an individual can learn many things and even can get a degree.

Now we focus on the second point in which I disagree with Mr. Elon Musk. Colleges are not only for fun and they are definitely for learning. Yes, there are lots of fun in college days, but it doesn’t state that colleges are only for fun. There are some certain fruitful things to do.

Moreover, colleges are definitely for learning. That can be academic, ethical, cultural or anything like that but they definitely serve the students a lot with their learnings. And it can also be said that, there are certain differences between online learning stuffs and an offline college education. Both are totally different in their approach.

Therefore, though I partially agree with Mr. Elon Musk’s statement but I also disagree with him in certain points. And I’ll definitely suggest that – if someone can afford, he/she should go for a college education.

T. Mahmud Ornab
Student, Department of English
Jahangirnagar University

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