If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.

— Eleanor Roosevelt

How to know boy or girl during pregnancy

when you are pregnant you and your family get curious to know the sex of the baby this curiosity over the generations gave rise to several assumptions tales and myths about predicting the sex of a baby while these methods may be fun to try for a couple they cannot be taken seriously as they are not scientifically proven in this video we tells you about several such myths of the so-called signs and symptoms of baby boy during pregnancy what determines the sex of a baby the baby sex is determined by its chromosome makeup at the time of fertilization an embryo receives 23 chromosomes from each of the parents where one pair is made up of the sex chromosomes that determine the sex of the baby if the baby has two x chromosomes it is a girl and if it has one x and one y chromosomes it is a boy when is baby sex determined in the case of baby boy signs the penis starts to develop around the 11th week of pregnancy however the gender is decided long before the 11th week at the time of conception when the sperm fuses with the egg it is possible to find out about the sex of the baby through a genetic test at around 10 weeks or through an anatomy scan during the 20th week ultrasound here we list down some of the common symptoms or signs that people commonly believe are indicative of a baby boy 1. morning sickness when you are not experiencing morning sickness or nausea it is a sign that you are carrying a baby boy 2. heart rate if you notice that the heart rate of your baby remains under 140 beats per minute it could indicate you are pregnant with a baby boy 3. skin and hair condition your skin is likely to be pimple free when carrying a boy whereas a baby girl borrows the mother’s beauty deteriorating her skin the mother will also have longer and lustrous hair in case she is carrying a boy 4. food cravings if you crave for sour or salty foods you are more likely to have a boy 5. tummy positioning carrying low is one of the signs you are having a baby boy 6. mood changes you are not prone to mood swings if you are carrying a boy but you will be if you are pregnant with a girl 7. urine color the color of your urine changes during pregnancy and if it appears dark it indicates that you are carrying a baby boy 8. breast size when you carry a baby boy your right breast is bigger than the left one 9. cold feet if you have icy cold feet it is an indication you are carrying a baby boy 10. weight gain when you carry a baby boy the extra pounds are mostly visible at the stomach but when you are carrying a girl the weight is distributed all over the body including the face 11. linear is the line on your skin that extends across the belly up to the ribcage in case it goes all the way up to the rib cage it is thought that you are carrying a baby boy sex prediction methods are only for fun and do not replace medical examinations we believe in gender equality we do not support or encourage sex determination nor entertain any queries on finding the sex of the baby.

When can I find out my baby’s gender?

many parents find out their baby’s sex during their mid pregnancy ultrasound usually done between 16 and 20 weeks however if the ultrasound technicians view is blocked there are a few other ways to determine your baby’s sex first non-invasive prenatal testing is a blood test that detects tiny amounts of baby DNA in the mother it can be done as early as 10 weeks and can reveal sex in addition to some common chromosomal abnormalities some parents find out their baby’s sex when their doctor orders a chorionic villus sampling otherwise known as CBS or M neo synthesis tests these tests are usually offered for women who are at higher risk of having a baby with chromosomal problems but the tests will also reveal the baby’s gender CBS is typically done at 10 to 13 weeks and an amnio is typically done at 16 to 20 weeks a lot of patients ask me if these tests ever report the wrong gender on rare occasion with ultrasound the umbilical cord between the legs can look a lot like a penis with the ni PT blood test results are rarely incorrect but errors are possible I should mention that there are also at-home gender kits advertised online that claim to be able to predict your baby’s sex but there’s no scientific evidence that these tests really work some parents choose not to find out their baby’s sex in advance and relish that moment of surprise at birth others are chomping at the bit to know as soon as possible whichever way you go you’re in for an adventure

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