আজি এ বসন্ত দিনে বাসন্তী রঙ ছুয়েছে মনে; মনে পরে তোমাকে ক্ষণে ক্ষণে চুপি চুপি নিঃশব্দে সঙ্গোপনে

— – সংগৃহীত, – সংগৃহীত

How to satisfy a woman in bed

Learn 10 things women want you to do in bed. Many men find women confusing. But you don’t need to be one of them! I’ll teach you what women want exactly and how to give her what she wants and desires bed.

What women want?Mmmm, isn’t that a great question!And what women want in bed – let’s get evenmore specific here, shall we?A lot of men find women confusing and hardto read.And this applies particularly in the bedroom.I get a lot of messages every week from menwho want to know what their woman wants andhow to give it to her.So strap yourself in!You’re about to get some answers. And today we’re talking about what women want their men to do in bed.These tips and ideas come from thousands of women that I’ve spoken to over the years about their sex lives.But they also come from my own experience.And as a woman who’s been with different men in my life, I have definitely noticed some wonderful things that some male lovers do.And some other things that I really, really wish men did more often.So, let’s start with number 1.She wants you to be in charge and to take control of the situation.Oh my god, it is so, so sexy to us, women,when you guys know what you’re doing and when you can guide us in the erotic experience.We can then fully surrender to your masculine touch and strength.It’s of course also ok to switch the power dynamics and to allow her to be dominating and controlling.That can also be a lot of fun!But for the most part, we love a man who canlead.This one might feel like common sense, but trust me, it’s not!I can recall countless experiences in the past where my lovers were not present withme.Whether lost in fantasy, anxious about their performance or simply distracted, I could always tell when my partner wasn’t ‘with me’energetically.Truly great sex happens when partners are immersed in the experience, when they’re aware.When they feel connected and just know that they have each other’s full attention.Always remember: when your mind goes some where else during sex, she’ll know and she’ll feel abandoned by you.Oh, this is such an important one.Kiss her!Kiss her a lot!And then kiss her some more!Kissing is such an incredible turn-on forus.It’s such a beautiful part of sex.Yet, many men are so much in a rush to getto penetration that they skip steps, and move on from kissing way too quickly.But now you know better!So make sure to give her a lot more kisses!And this video will teach you how to blow her mind with just a kiss.Gentlemen, she needs foreplay.Any woman who agrees to go straight to intercourse,is doing you a favour.A woman’s body needs time to warm up, to get juicy, wet and aroused.And it is more time than you guys need!A lot more!So if you think you’ve done enough foreplay,double that time.I mean it, seriously!Give her a lot more foreplay and she will pay you back with much more passion, desire and she’ll also initiate sex more.Do you look into your partner’s eyes during sex?A lot of people tend to close their eyes and lose themselves in the world of their own sensations and pleasure.And while there is nothing wrong with that,it can feel a bit disconnected if you don’t look at each other.So make it a practice to open your eyes duringsex.I personally find it absolutely thrilling to share these moments of eye contact, not only during foreplay but particularly when he’s penetrating me.When his cock is deep inside of me and his gaze is penetrating me to my core.Wow!That’s hot!Many men stress about lasting long enough.And that worry can make them sort of distant and disconnected.Plus, if you don’t last long enough for her to orgasm, she might end up feeling disappointed and frustrated.Maybe even unwilling to have sex with youagain.So make sure that she comes first!Take your time and use your fingers, your lips, your tongue or even sex toys to bring her to a delicious climax.This will then take the pressure off you,when you’re wondering if it’s ok for you to cum during penetration.And you’ll have a blissfully happy woman on your hands.Plus, if you want to learn how to last as long as you want naturally, make sure to checkout my hugely popular online course for men,Tantric Mastery.I’ve linked it in the description below.So many men are quiet in bed.It seems that women have the license to moan,to dirty talk and to scream but men need to remain silent.No, we want to hear you, gentlemen!We want to hear your pleasure, we want to hear you lose yourself in the sensual moment that we’re sharing.So open your mouth, take a deep breath in and let out that pleasure sound!A lot of people tend to form a bedroom routine that they then follow each time.And that routine can be extremely pleasurable and fun.But over time, it will become boring.So make sure to keep switching things up and introducing variety.Different positions, different styles of touch- hot and passionate one time, and then sensual and slow the next…Different places for intercourse, different depth and speed of your thrusting.There is so much you can play with when it comes to sex!You can even introduce a bit of kink if your lady is up for it.How about role-play, dress-ups, dirty talk,bondage, sex toys, spanking, etc.There is something incredibly sexy about a man just grabbing you, holding you down and having his way with you.Maybe it’s that very primal part of our biology who prefers a strong male, who is a better provider and protector.And if you’re worried that you might hurt her, then whisper in her ear to let you know if you cause her any pain or discomfort.She’ll feel much safer knowing that she’ll be heard.And you will feel more confident in letting out your inner sexy brute.I love, love after-sex spooning.If my lover needs to get up and go somewhere immediately after sex, it just leaves me feeling like something is missing.So make sure to spend some time just holdingher.Being sexual with someone, can be an extremely raw and vulnerable thing.Plus, couples who share after-sex affection,tend to report much higher levels of sexualsatisfaction.So there you have it!Ten things that she wants you to do in bed.As always, keep in mind that all women are different and that communication is key.So always check in with her about anything that you’re intending to try to make sure that she’s on board.And if you want to learn how to become the most extraordinary lover, how to last in bed much, much longer and how to pleasure a woman to the moon and back, make sure to enrol in my online course for men Tantric Mastery.The entire course is currently on special so grab the entire program at a discounted price with the coupon code included in the description below.If you enjoy my content, please make sure to leave me a ‘Like’ and a comment below:what do women want in bed in your experience?Make sure to also subscribe to never miss my tips, tools and advice.Thank you so much for watching and for staying with me till the end.Have a fantastic day, full of love, magic and pleasure!And I’ll see you next time.

Helena Nista

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