How to Release Blanket Purchase Agreement in Oracle Apps

A blanket purchase agreement, or BPA, is a type of purchase agreement that allows you to purchase goods or services from a supplier within a specific period of time. This means that you can order goods or services from the supplier as and when you need them, without having to go through the process of creating a new purchase order each time. If you are using Oracle Apps, releasing a BPA can be done in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Open the Purchase Orders Form

To release a blanket purchase agreement, you will need to open the Purchase Orders form in Oracle Apps. This can be done by navigating to the Purchasing responsibility, clicking on the Purchase Orders option, and then selecting the Purchase Orders form.

Step 2: Find the Blanket Purchase Agreement

Once you have opened the Purchase Orders form, you will need to find the blanket purchase agreement that you want to release. You can do this by entering the BPA number into the Purchase Order field and then clicking on the Find button.

Step 3: Navigate to the Releases Tab

After you have found the blanket purchase agreement, you will need to navigate to the Releases tab. This can be done by clicking on the Releases button at the bottom of the form.

Step 4: Create a Release

To release the blanket purchase agreement, you will need to create a release. This can be done by clicking on the Create Release button on the Releases form. You will then need to enter the release quantity and release date, and select the supplier and ship-to location.

Step 5: Save the Release

After you have entered all of the necessary information, you will need to save the release. This can be done by clicking on the Save button on the Releases form.

Step 6: Submit the Release

Once you have saved the release, you will need to submit it for approval. This can be done by clicking on the Submit button on the Releases form.

Step 7: Approve the Release

After you have submitted the release, it will need to be approved by the appropriate person. This can be done by navigating to the Approvals form and selecting the release that you want to approve.

Step 8: Receive the Goods or Services

Once the release has been approved, you can receive the goods or services from the supplier as and when you need them. This can be done by creating a receipt against the release in the Receiving Transactions form.

In conclusion, releasing a blanket purchase agreement in Oracle Apps is a straightforward process that can save you time and effort when ordering goods or services from a supplier. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily create and release a BPA, and receive the goods or services as and when you need them.

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