হে মুমিনগণ, যাহা তোমরা কর না, তাহা কেন বল? আল্লাহর নিকট ইহা অত্যন্ত ঘৃণিত যে, তোমরা বল যাহা, তাহা তোমরা কর না ৷ -28/61/1/2-3

— আল কোরআন

Maksuda Hossain

Maksuda Hossain


In my profession, I am a faculty member of a private university. I love to write. My writing focuses on contemporary issues of society. Few months before one of my articles was published in a daily newspaper of the country. However, I have a dream to touch the heart of people irrespective of their age and gender through my write-ups.

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