Dream big. Start small. Act now.

— Robin Sharma

Random Question


#1. A retired officer lives next door. Here “retired” word is used as a/an :

#2. Choose the appropriate preposition in the blank of the following sentence : Eight men were concerned — the plot.

#3. Fill in the gap with the right tense : When water — it turns into ice.

#4. Which one is the correct antonym of “frugal”?

#5. Choose the meaning of the idiom — “Take the bull by the horns.”

#6. Fill in the blank with the correct quantifier. I still have — money.

#7. Select the right compound structure of the sentence : “Though he is poor, he is honest”

#8. Where do the following lines occur in? “Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide,k wide sea ……”

#9. “For God’s sake hold your tongue, and let me love.” This line is written by —-

#10. Fill in the blank : Tourists —- their reservations well in advance if they want to fly to Cox’s Bazar.
