আত্মীয়-স্বজনকে তার প্রাপ্য দেবে৷ -17:26

— আল কোরআন

Which is the Best Time to get Pregnant after Periods?

hello, I’m dr. peterson ii consultant gynecologist working at columbia shoe hospital such upper road I often get asked in my OPD practice that doctor which is the best time to get pregnant after periods the best time to get pregnant after periods depends upon your period the cycle length in fact the best time is one or two days before your ovulation and on the day of your evolution this is because the egg is fertilized it’ll only about 12 to 24 hours from the time it is getting released whereas this form can be staying in female genital tract till about 7 days once it is ejaculated and usually the 28-day cycle the ovulation happens at around 14th day so around 12 13th and 14th they are the most fertile days but the oblation can happen as early as 9:00 today 1030 also and also can happen as little as 19th day xx day also depending upon the cycle length of the patient so in an average to tell that the most fertile lists of the patient is from the day 8 to day 21 of the cycle and the sex at least alternate days in this time would lead to more chances of pregnancy.

How To Get Pregnant

adviser Lisa Clampett advises couples to have a baby talk as early as possible guys go through a little bit of a crisis like oh my god what am i doing it’s okay to have these feelings as long as it doesn’t create a huge block in the relationship step 3 prepare to conceive be patient it can take a while 90% of fertile couples can see within a year so it’s usually our recommendation if you’re under 35 years old to give it a good nine months to a year but over 35 I would probably seek medical advice as to how you would proceed step 4 take the test you don’t have to wait until a missed period to take a pregnancy test keep a few in the house and be ready typically 11 to 12 days after you ovulate or conceive a home pregnancy test should be read as positive if you miss your period have breast tenderness nausea and bloating then check for that blue cross that pink line or the word

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